Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is beneficial for reducing stress, calming anxiety, and reducing neuropathy. Prenatal clients are positioned on the side with pillows for a super cozy massage

30 Minutes -$60
60 Minutes - $90
90 Minutes - $120
Oncology Massage
Massage for people with cancer can help with anxiety, depression, pain, and nausea. I have a year of experience working in Peoria with many kinds of cancer from head and neck to breast cancer. I will customize your session around any ports, surgical sites, or radiation sites. A massage can be a great gift for a caregiver as well.
30 Minutes - $50
60 Minutes - $80
90 Minutes - $120
Lymphatic Drainage
Manual Lymphatic Drainage is a specialized therapy designed for individuals with lymphedema. The practitioner gently stretches the skin in gentle rhythmic movements to move lymph through the body for removal. Besides lymphedema, research has found this gentle application helps with chronic pain, cancer surgeries, post surgical recovery, Parkinson's, headaches, or just relaxing.

30 Minute - $90
60 Minute - $120
90 Minute - $150
Couples Massage
A couples massage is done with two massage therapists at the same time. The two clients will be worked at the same time by myself and Brian Fitzgerald of BN Massage Therapy. You can have deep work or gentle. We have had some couples come monthly for a date night. Saturday and Sundays are available. Text 630-951-8382 to arrange the appointment.

60 Minute Couples $220
90 Minute Couples $300
Massage is a comfort to those at the end of life. With gentle touch a massage can ease pain when medications fail, provide caring help, and give family a respite in this difficult time of transition. I have had formal training in hospice and one year of volunteering visiting patients at home or in a facility. To schedule time please text 630-951-8382.

The photo is of me and my father as he was at home in hospice care. A special memory for me.
Irv Termuende (1940-2024)
Your cost is a donation. Whatever is affordable for you.